And the winner is…

2 weeks ago we took a chance and invited a Bassnectar team on to the field for a good old fashioned version of Family Feud, Biscuits Vs Bassnectar, to see which family would reign superior and have bragging rights for the entire year! These teams came and pulled out all of the tricks in the book to try and guarantee their team would win but alas only one team would be able to walk off the field a Champion!!

1st: Purple Reign
2nd: Greenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
3rd: Blue 808 Bassheads
4th: New World Orange

Biscuits Family came in at 1st and 2nd place!!! Bassnectar Family may not have won the glory but they did come in and show us that not only do they workout more than Biscuits fans but they are very committed to bridging the cap between the two scenes. We were all pleasantly surprised at how much each and every one of those new faces delivered the laughs and the trash talking just as good as OG Color War competitors!!!

Check out this article that about Camp Bisco 2017 that features Orange Team:

Feeling Love at Camp Bisco Music Festival